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doc icon DUGiDocs juliol 2023 Efectes d’un incendi sobre el metabolisme de la llacuna del Ter Vell Archilés Illa, Jaume
doc icon DUGiDocs juliol 2024 Efectes de la intensitat de la llaurada sobre les propietats fisicoquímiques del sòl i el desenvolupament de diferents cultius Rossell Triado, Maria
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Efectos del cambio global en los robledales de Quercus petraea en el NE de la Península Ibérica Bou Manobens, Jordi
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2015 Efectos directos e indirectos de la de la alteración hidrológica en un arroyo del Mediterráneo Espinosa Angona, Carmen
out url icon Recercat Efectos directos e indirectos de la de la alteración hidrológica en un arroyo del Mediterráneo Espinosa Angona, Carmen
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Effective monitoring of freshwater fish Radinger, Johannes ; Britton, J. Robert ; Carlson, Stephanie M. ; Magurran, Anne E. ; Alcaraz Hernández, Juan Diego ; Almodóvar, Ana ; Benejam Vidal, Lluís ; Fernández Delgado, Carlos ; Nicola, Graciela G. ; Oliva Paterna, Francisco J. ; Torralva, Mar ; García-Berthou, Emili
doc icon DUGiDocs juliol 2019 Effective monitoring of freshwater fish Radinger, Johannes ; Britton, J. Robert ; Carlson, Stephanie M. ; Magurran, Anne E. ; Alcaraz Hernández, Juan Diego ; Almodóvar, Ana ; Benejam Vidal, Lluís ; Fernández Delgado, Carlos ; Nicola, Graciela G. ; Oliva Paterna, Francisco J. ; Torralva, Mar ; García-Berthou, Emili
doc icon DUGiDocs 9 juny 2022 Effectiveness Monitoring of Five Fish Ladders in Catalonia, NE of the Iberian Peninsula Pou i Rovira, Quim ; Aparicio, Enric ; Rocaspana, Rafel ; Cruset, Eloi ; Llenas, Guillem ; Porcar Roman, Andreu ; Font, Blanca ; Gaspar, Sergio ; González, Clemente
out url icon Recercat The Effect of Multiple Stressors on Biological Communities in the Llobregat Muñoz Gràcia, Isabel ; García-Berthou, Emili ; Sabater, Emili
doc icon DUGiDocs 2012 The Effect of Multiple Stressors on Biological Communities in the Llobregat Muñoz Gràcia, Isabel ; García-Berthou, Emili ; Sabater, Emili
doc icon DUGiDocs 21 maig 2019 The effect of past forestry activity on Mediterranean sessile oak forests on the NE Iberian Peninsula Bou Manobens, Jordi ; Vilar Sais, Lluís
out url icon Recercat Effects of global change on fish assemblages in Mediterranean streams Merciai, Roberto
doc icon DUGiDocs 30 setembre 2016 Effects of global change on fish assemblages in Mediterranean streams Merciai, Roberto
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 maig 2013 Effects of large river dam regulation on bacterioplankton community structure Ruiz-González, Clara ; Proia, Lorenzo ; Ferrera, Isabel ; Gasol, Josep M. ; Sabater, Sergi
out url icon Recercat The effects of limnological features on fish assemblages of 14 Spanish reservoirs Carol Bruguera, Joaquim ; Benejam Vidal, Lluís ; Alcaraz Cazorla, Carles ; Vila i Gispert, Anna ; Zamora Hernández, Lluís ; Navarro, Enrique ; Armengol Bachero, Joan ; García-Berthou, Emili
out url icon Recercat The effects of limnological features on fish assemblages of 14 Spanish reservoirs Carol Bruguera, Joaquim ; Benejam Vidal, Lluís ; Alcaraz Cazorla, Carles ; Vila i Gispert, Anna ; Zamora Hernández, Lluís ; Navarro, Enrique ; Armengol Bachero, Joan ; García-Berthou, Emili
doc icon DUGiDocs 2006 The effects of limnological features on fish assemblages of 14 Spanish reservoirs Carol Bruguera, Joaquim ; Benejam Vidal, Lluís ; Alcaraz Cazorla, Carles ; Vila i Gispert, Anna ; Zamora Hernández, Lluís ; Navarro, Enrique ; Armengol Bachero, Joan ; García-Berthou, Emili
doc icon TDX 5 febrer 2016 Effects of parasitism on the condition and reproductive capacity of three commercially exploited fish species in the Mediterranean Sea Ferrer Maza, Dolors
out url icon Recercat Effects of parasitism on the condition and reproductive capacity of three commercially exploited fish species in the Mediterranean Sea Ferrer Maza, Dolors
doc icon DUGiDocs 5 febrer 2016 Effects of parasitism on the condition and reproductive capacity of three commercially exploited fish species in the Mediterranean Sea Ferrer Maza, Dolors
doc icon TDX 14 gener 2011 Effects of priority and emerging pollutants on river biofilms Ricart Viladomat, Marta
out url icon Recercat Effects of priority and emerging pollutants on river biofilms Ricart Viladomat, Marta
doc icon DUGiDocs 14 gener 2011 Effects of priority and emerging pollutants on river biofilms Ricart Viladomat, Marta
out url icon Recercat Effects of sediment deposition on periphytic biomass, photosynthetic activity and algal community structure Izagirre, Oihana ; Serra Gasa, Alexandra ; Guasch i Padró, Helena ; Elosegi, Arturo
doc icon DUGiDocs 15 octubre 2009 Effects of sediment deposition on periphytic biomass, photosynthetic activity and algal community structure Izagirre, Oihana ; Serra Gasa, Alexandra ; Guasch i Padró, Helena ; Elosegi, Arturo
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